Monday, February 23

Balls to the wall.

Mat knows how to find and build spots. He's like Jesus meets Christopher Columbus.

Friday, February 20

Bustin' nips.

Spring is just around the corner people!!! So bust those shirts and blast those nips!! Dust off the ol' board and get dirt nasty!!

Sunday, February 15

Jesus money builds amazing indoor parks.

Here's some footage from the amazing indoor park in my old hometown of Medicine Hat Alberta. This comp went down last week. This indoor park is funded by a church......the only way indoor parks seem to stay for jesus.

Sunday, February 1

DNA VID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The original DNA video is online and available for viewing. Thank you Dan Kelly!!!!! You can't hate on this chumps, these dudes were doing everything you've already done.....years, and years ago. So suck it up, and say thanks to Dan Kelly for providing the memories!!!!! Go to this link to view!!!!!!!!!!!!